YAYY! Today marks the 6th stop on the blog tour celebrating the pre-releases of the new Phantom Island books – at Tina Moss’s blog! If you enjoyed Friday’s post by Patrick, a teen guy reader, then you’ll love hearing Robert’s thoughts today. He shares some of the ways that he sees me in the books and why readers of all ages and genders will enjoy them!

Like Robert, Tina Moss is also a Pyradorian – because “who doesn’t like to play with Fire?” (Her words. Ha.) I met Tina during the #WritersRoad chat on Twitter and love her spunkiness. She is a black belt in karate (Hello!!!) and I’m sure this hobby makes for some good writing and fighting scenes in her work. We’ll soon find out as her co-authored book with Yelena Casale (featured last week in the Pep Rally) just found representation with a literary agent. I’m very excited to see what happens with these two ladies!

Please go visit and leave a comment on her blog to show you’re following the Pep Rally posts. We are at five days and counting down until the Pep Rally ends and we draw names for the giveaways. Register HERE, if you haven’t yet. Happy Monday!