
Teen fiction author Krissi Dallas, raised in San Antonio where her characters are from, returns to the area to celebrate the release of the long-awaited fifth installment of her fantasy adventure series! In FIRETRAP, neither Whitnee nor Gabriel is prepared for—or happy about—the moment their two worlds collide again. Prophecies unravel, friendships are challenged, and attraction ignites as the dark underbelly of the White Island reveals itself in the fifth book of the PHANTOM ISLAND series.

Come by Mi Casa Tamales (https://www.facebook.com/MiCasaTamales/) anytime between noon and 2pm to meet Krissi and special teen guest Disney Channel Actress Gabriella Graves! PHANTOM ISLAND books will be available for purchase and autographing by Krissi. Gabi will have her exclusive “Dream Big, Be Kind, Love Always” merch available for ordering. All proceeds go to the nonprofit I AM COURAGEOUS, which seeks to bring uplifting music to seriously ill children across the country! (IAmCourageous.net/Gabi) Bring the whole family to play outside on the grounds, enjoy some food at Mi Casa Tamales, take pics, and gather inspiration to follow your dreams along with Gabi and Krissi!

About Krissi Dallas: Krissi still goes to camp every summer with the teens of Fusion Student Ministries. Like her fictional heroine, Krissi is also a gray-eyed Aerodorian from Texas with a ridiculous fish phobia. She adores her youth pastor husband, two sons, and two Yorkies. When she’s not busy throwing dance parties, both in her living room for her boys and at school for her junior high prep students, she daydreams about and writes down fantastical adventures. She has a hard time not hugging during a pandemic, so you can send her virtual hugs on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Visit www.KrissiDallas.com for all the fun.

About Gabriella Graves: Known to her friends as Gabi, Gabriella Graves is a Texas born actor. She began acting professionally at the age of 9 when her family made the exciting choice to move to California to pursue her career. Gabi has been blessed with work from the moment she arrived in Hollywood. She can currently be heard on animated shows such as Spirit Riding Free, Costume Quest and Sophia the First. Gabriella also has a recurring role as Delaware, the quirky best friend, on Disney Channel’s Coop and Cami Ask the World, and is the lead in a new Disney Junior show coming out this spring! When she’s not working, Gabi’s passions are music, TaeKwonDo and reading. Gabi is an avid book lover and self-proclaimed fan of Krissi Dallas’s Phantom Island series! Gabriella and her family have formed a non-profit called I Am Courageous which seeks to create uplifting music for seriously ill children across the country. Find out more at IAmCourageous.net and find ways to connect with Gabi at www.GabriellaGraves.com.