
Tomorrow is the last official day of the Phantom Island Pep Rally! That means you will want to start tallying up those Spirit Points! Here’s your checklist…

Have you…
1. entered your name on the Pep Rally page for the Phantom Island Swag drawing? (Free autographed books, free tribal goodies, FREE! FREE! FREE!) Go now and leave a comment with your name! Click—-> HERE.

2. earned any extra Spirit Points from the list of things YOU can do to promote Phantom Island’s release? Check out the list and see what you’ve earned so far and what you can still get in before midnight on Friday! Click for the Spirit Point list—-> HERE.

3. tallied up all your Spirit Points for official extra entries in the drawing? THIS IS IMPORTANT if you want all your extra points to count! GO NOW and fill out the Spirit Tallies Form (you might have to wait a few seconds for the form to load on the page). Click—-> HERE.

Thanks for making this so fun! There is one more Pep Rally host tomorrow at The Book Swarm and it will be a fun one! It’s not too late to jump on this bandwagon, earn some Spirit Points, and help out with spreading the word about the book releases! And did you hear that the first book signing has been scheduled – in Springtown, Texas? (More locations to come!) Click on the Facebook page to find out details—-> HERE.

Register with your tribe—> HERE.