
It might be Monday, but the Pep Rally continues at Yelena Casale’s blog! I met Yelena during my weekly #WritersRoad chat on Twitter! Not only is she very kind-hearted and enthusiastic about writing, but Yelena is somebody you tend to feel comfortable around. She has co-authored a book with Tina Moss (another Twitter friend and someone you will meet during the Pep Rally on next week) – and just last week they announced that they signed with an agent!! This is always very exciting in the world of writing, so my formal congrats goes out to Yelena and Tina! Can’t wait to read their books someday!

Now do some cheerleader jumps and make your way to her blog – start following it as she’s an up and coming superstar – and read what my 8th grade cousin, Hannah, has to say about my books (as well as my cooking habits)!

(Don’t forget to enter on the Phantom Island Pep Rally page for the giveaway on October 15. Commenting on Yelena’s blog will earn you extra spirit points!)