
Welcome to our fun Friday party stop today – you will not want to miss the post over at editor Tee Tate’s blog as she hosts teenage “cutie-pie,” Patrick! Patrick is an avid reader and one of those treasured guy readers who jumped on the Phantom Island bandwagon way back in 2009! Check out his perspective on why you will love the Phantom Island series – and expect a bit of potty humor/fart stories along the way. *rolling my eyes*

You’ll also want to leave a comment on Tee’s blog to show support AND earn an extra spirit point for the Phantom Island Swag giveaway! I met Tee online through the #WritersRoad chat since she is a co-host with my friend, Heather McCorkle. Tee is one of those people that you can just have a good, honest conversation with about writing, about life, about anything. I love her heart for other people and especially for the art of writing. She’s an editor, so if you’re looking for some grammatical help… check her out! Haha. I am blessed to know her and to have her on this journey with me!

And in case you didn’t know… look up at the menu bar on this blog – there is a button now for “Register With Your Tribe!” You can take the online tribal quiz and then make it official on this page – become a real Dorian by registering with your chosen tribe. Have fun finding your home on the Island!