
COVER REVEAL: Wednesday, December 11th

As 2019 draws to a close, so does the deadline for the the first draft of Phantom Island Book 5! If you’ve been following me on social media lately, you’ve seen the updates and sneak peeks, but now it’s about time to reveal the title, cover art, and, YES, the first chapter too. (AHHH!) You can join in the fun by becoming part of my virtual street team! If you are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or have your own blog and want to post the cover art to your followers the day of the reveal, fill out THIS FORM.  On Wednesday, December 11th, you’ll get an exciting little press kit by email to share with your followers. Then we shall engage in internet shenanigans over a magical Island, some teenage adventurers, and, of course, Gabriel vs. Caleb. Whatever you do, make sure to find me online that day! You can always help by liking, sharing, and commenting on posts.