
I am learning that EVERYONE wants a character named after them… And I am notorious for naming characters after people in my life. It kind of feels like I’m immortalizing the people I love. Well, this time, I’m opening that immortality up to my fans! I was recently given the opportunity to write and contribute a short story to a “Winter Wonders” anthology coming out next winter – a collection of short stories written by authors I know from the Twitterverse. I know what you’re thinking… how the *beep* could Krissi ever write a short story? When I saw the word count limitation, I almost bailed. I’m certainly not known for my brevity with words. Ha. But I’ve accepted the challenge and now I need characters. *ENTER YOUR PART*

Do you want to submit your own name for the boy or the girl character in my short story? Well, you’re gonna have to get a little silly…all in the name of Watercrossing, the third book of my Phantom Island series which releases two weeks from today (May 22, 2012)!

Meet Kayla – my toothpaste model and the
first entry in the Toothpaste Tournament!

There is a Watercrossing scene where Amelia convinces Whitnee and the other girls in the cabin that toothpaste is a home remedy for getting rid of acne. When Whit wakes Morgan up in the middle of that same night because something crazy is happening, Morgan is a little startled by Whit’s toothpaste-face appearance… “You look like the creature from the freaking black lagoon with your eyes, and your hair, and the polka dots all over your face…ugh.” This scene is based on a somewhat similar experience I had with the REAL Amelia – who, while on a trip with me, came to bed one night with toothpaste globbed all over face. After making fun of her for it, she informed me that it really did work. So I tried it – and I knew then I would write a scene about it. Yes, I have also used this remedy on several occasions – it WORKS. (And someone please explain to me why I’m still getting acne at 31 years old?! Teenagers, don’t listen to what the adults say. It’s all a lie. You’ll have acne the REST. OF. YOUR. LIFE.)

Anyway… we are going to not only celebrate the endearing silliness of my Phantom Island characters, but also the traditional demons of adolescence upon which they are built! Everybody gets acne and everybody wants to get rid of it… and apparently everybody likes to take pictures of themselves to post on the internet these days, soooo… I submit to you…

The Toothpaste Tournament

1. Between now and Tuesday, May 15 (ONE WEEK), participants between the ages of 12 and 25 years old ONLY may submit one picture with toothpaste on your face for one entry in the contest.
2. Picture must be a headshot only – no full body pictures.
3. There must be obvious globs of toothpaste on your face. (No, they do not have to be over REAL zits – you may decorate your face however you choose.)
4. Your picture must be accompanied with your name – yes, it must be YOUR name.
5. Pictures can be submitted by email at phantomislandbook@gmail.com or on my Krissi Dallas Facebook Page Wall. (The fan page, not my personal one. Make sure you include the necessary info if posted on my wall!)
6. Participants under the age of 18 must have parent permission to submit an entry.
7. All submitted pictures will be posted on Krissi’s Konfessions with your first name underneath them by Friday, May 18th.
8. Fans will vote on their favorite picture/name for the anthology through Sunday, May 20th – I will take one boy winner and one girl winner.
9. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 22 – the day of Watercrossing‘s national release!!

Contest Winners:
1. Winners will be immortalized as the name of a character in my short story for the Winter Wonders anthology – releasing by ebook next winter. (Characters will NOT be based on the winner’s personality or likeness. Characters will ONLY receive the winner’s name.)
2. Winners will also get their choice of ONE prize – a paperback of Windchaser, a paperback of Windfall, a paperback of Watercrossing or a tribal t-shirt.

Let the submissions start! 
And may your acne burn a slow flouride-filled death!