
…And though it seems dorky

The author could not rest, not even with her Yorkie.

The Kindle was plugged in by the bedside with care,

Waiting on Amazon to deliver Windchaser wirelessly there.

The Big Day is TOMORROW. Windchaser and Windfall will mount those dragonfly wings and hopefully fly off into the hands of new readers. While I am so excited to see what happens, I’m also finding myself extremely grateful for the loyalty and support of friends and family in these past weeks. Excitement only carries you so far before you just need perspective and encouragement from those you love. I have been so very blessed.

I would like to ask my readers, my friends, my family and those who happen to come across this post to help me with one more thing… It will not cost you money or your reputation. It won’t even require more than a minute of your time. It’s not a contest. There will be no giveaway earned and no special reward other than the absolute love and appreciation of a new author breaking into a big, scary world.

I am asking that at some point TOMORROW – Tuesday, December 13, 2011 – that you take a second just to tell someone about the Phantom Island book releases! This will not require you to have read them, you’re not “recommending” them (unless you want to)… this is just helping spread the word out there that two new YA fantasy books are on the market! Word of mouth is SO powerful – as I have learned over the years! Many times I spread the word on Twitter or Facebook about books, events, or opportunities that benefit other authors. Sometimes I haven’t even read their book – that’s okay. To spread the word about what they’re doing does not necessarily say I’m putting my personal stamp of approval on their work. It’s just a way that authors help out other authors!

How you choose to mention Phantom Island books tomorrow is up to you and, NO, I’m not going to be stalking you to see that you did it or not. Those who can find the time to help me out will do so without my creeping. Here are some different ideas for getting involved…

-Tell a friend or librarian or teacher about Windchaser and Windfall. Tell them you know the author and that you think they might be interested in finding out more. They can Google me. J

-Update your Facebook status about it! (Ex. “Hey, ever heard of Krissi Dallas? Well, you have now! She’s a new author with a brand spankin’ new series of teenage fantasy books – Windchaser and Windfall are releasing nationally today! Check her out.” And you can link to my blog, to my website, to my Facebook page… your choice.)

-Tweet about the release and use the #PhantomIsland hashtag! (Ex. Windchaser and Windfall by @KrissiDallas release nationally today! New YA Fantasy Series! #PhantomIsland www.KrissiDallas.com)

-Post pictures of those pretty covers of Windchaser or Windfall and tell people they’re nationally releasing today with a link to where to buy!

-Mention a blurb about the national releases for Windchaser and Windfall on your blog tomorrow!

-Call your grandparents and tell them you want copies of Windchaser and Windfall for Christmas – so they need to order TODAY! (Available at Amazon, BN.com, TatePublishing.com, and The White Island Shoppe.)

-Change your profile pic on Twitter or Facebook for the day – use one of the covers or the picture with both covers (see below).

-Brag about the new Kindle or Nook you’re getting for Christmas and how Windchaser and Windfall will be two of your first downloads!! Remind them that they release today at Amazon and BN.com!

-Participate in Fuzzy.Coffee.Books ‘s special contest tomorrow – it involves Twitter, the hashtag of #PhantomIsland, and picture-snapping!! (THAT will actually earn you a signed copy of both books… don’t miss out on that one! Especially you teens who love to take pics of yourselves with things…)

Whatever you choose to do, please know that you are so appreciated. This time of year, it’s always fun to see what people do out of the kindness of their own heart – not for a reward of any kind. I wish I could offer you a greater reward for your help. But this will just be one of those times where your only reward is the knowledge that you helped out a friend and claimed your stake in Phantom Island’s future success.

Hugs and Thanks.