
A heartfelt thank you to all who helped spread the word about Watermark’s cover and plot synopsis reveal! I’m excited to see new readers who have become interested in the books and for that, my love goes out to all my loyal author/writer/blogger friends who made posts, shared tweets, and said All The Nice Things. 🙂

785 entries later, here are the 4 winners:

Phantom Island Trilogy Pack (Windchaser, Windfall, & Watercrossing)
Ariel Wilson (for a tweet entry!)

Tribal T-shirt + a Digital Copy of Windchaser
Wendy Lu (for a tweet entry!)

The Collector by Victoria Scott
Lora Haley Hultman (for following me on Twitter!)

And the person who gets the first copy of Watermark (when it’s finished) is…
Debbie Pershing Whalen (for following me on Facebook!)

WINNERS: Please send a private email to phantomislandbook@gmail.com to accept your prize! Include your preferred shipping address and we’ll be in touch! I hope you enjoy your winnings!


This summer is a good time to prepare yourself for Watermark’s release – by joining Whitnee, Morgan, Caleb, and Gabriel as two worlds collide in a magical adventure of first love and a search for truth! Enjoy a fresh read-through or read for the first time…All books are available in paperback, Kindle, Nook, and audiobook!