
So if you read my last blog post over a year ago, then you know that I left things on here with some heartbreaking vulnerability and I’ve been unable to blog ever since. However, the Lord used 2014 to bring a little jewel into my life. I conceived a child exactly a week after my last post–as if my heart, mind, and body just knew it wasn’t ready until I’d gotten past that first due date. Meet Jasper “SuperJaz” Ray Dallas – born on September 10, 2014. This picture of him was taken exactly one year later from my last blog post – December 21, 2014. What a difference a year makes.

God. Is. Good.

I won’t inundate you with pictures of my little cutie (just follow me on social media if you want to watch him grow). Instead I wanted to share what my goals are for 2015. So much of my life has changed in a matter of months and it was imperative that I take some time to focus myself and my year, lest I trip and fall in this race we call life. Perhaps if I share where I’m at and where I want to be, it might inspire others to do the same. A new year is always full of new promises and potentials. Why not go into it with intentionality?

Krissi’s State of The Union in 2014:

1. I did not give birth to a book baby this year – first time since 2009 that I did not have a work of mine release for publication. This makes me panic a little bit.

2. I did give birth to a REAL baby – first time, well…EVER. I’m proud of that kiddo and the work it took to get him here. And I’ll be honest: the impact he has had on all my careers makes me panic a little bit too.

3. My writing and my pleasure reading took a real beating in 2014.

4. My weight has… Oh my word, I can’t even talk about all the pounds I put on through pregnancy that are still lingering three months later. But there it is. *pauses to cry into my maternity shirt because I’M STILL WEARING THEM*

NOTE: I’m not a serious resolution-maker at each new year, but more like a goal-setter who likes to focus in on where I want to go this year. I have found it to be a healthy habit of mine and a major contributor to how I define success for myself. I start with a passage in the Bible that I feel like the Lord laid on my heart for the year — it usually comes through either personal study time or a sermon/conversation. This year I asked myself these questions: Where do I want to be spiritually in my relationship with Jesus and others? Where do I want to be physically? In my careers? In my marriage and as a mother? Then I divvy things up into big picture yearly goals, monthly milestones, weekly checkpoints, and daily focus. Here’s what came out…

Krissi’s 2015 Focus

Bible Passage:
“Be very careful, then, how you live–not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5:15-17 (see whole passage for more details)

Big Picture Yearly Goals:
-Lose ALL the baby weight
-Complete a chronological read-through of the entire Bible (never done it chronologically before)
-Finish writing at least TWO novels and fire up the literary agent search again

Monthly Milestones:
-Read at least one YA novel a month (preferably more)
-Monthly photo shoots with Jasper on the 10th
-Personally serve/encourage someone in need each month (Be intentional about it.)
-Date the heck out of my husband

Weekly Checkpoints:
-Write at least 5,000 words on a novel each week
-Complete all my planning and grading for school on Tuesdays and Thursdays only so I don’t have to bring it home.
-Cook healthy meals for Sam and Jaz as much as possible
-Be faithful and diligent in my weekly ministry responsibilities- Club Fusion, middle school girls bible study, and worship team

Daily Focus:
-Read my Bible every day
-Spend less time on my phone
-Spend more time with my nose in a book
-Play with my puppies as if tomorrow they won’t be there
-Be a creative mom who makes adventures out of the little things
-Eat healthy
-Love and serve my husband
-Model a godly lifestyle for my son and my students

This still feels like a working list in some ways. And I operate in LEAST amounts, knowing I will have fun when I hit more than the goal. I will be putting this list on my refrigerator and plan to use a calendar and some stickers to commemorate the weeks that I hit my goals. Yes, I am the type who works for praise. Ha.

What about you? Do you make new year resolutions or goals? What are they? Please share in the comments section. Whatever the case, may you have a blessed New Year!!